Monday, January 31, 2011

Back from my dads

I just got back from my dads, I had a good weekend there, i went swimming with my brother and sister.  My dad had the weekend off so went sledding and then when he got back we went to the "old timers'' hockey game and watched the cops get whooped by a bunch of old people.  Ahhhh, good times.  Anyway, I got home and had a chicken dinner and now i am plunked in front of my computer.  LOL

Anyway, next weekend we are going to Grande Praire, i just got $100.00 yesterday from an old gift from my dad's cousin so my second cousin and his fiance and two sons, plus i will get my allowance so i will have shopping money.  I don't know what i am going to get yet though.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Town, school, exercise and my dad's

Okay so my mom picked me up early from school so that I could watch the kids while she went to the dentist.  It was a pretty shady place if you ask me, but anyway school was fine, just kids being kids i guess.  We stayed in town untill about 6 then came home.  My little brother screamed the entire way home.  I got my computer back and i am so happy, i had 250 viruses and so they had to wipe everything off of my computer and i lost all of my files :0(...  Oh well.  On another note i just did 35 minutes on our new treadmill on the "fat blast" setting, it sounds hard, but its not.  It inclines itself but I don't feel a burn at all.  It's gross but i sweat like a dog but don't, lose breath at all.  Now I am going to go and have a shower and then pack because I am going to my Dad's house this weekend.  Sure to be lots of fun!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Kaylee is here

Kaylee is here... she has been here for about a week. She will be going home on Saturday. She is home schooled so she can stay here without getting behind on schoolwork. It is a "non-bus day" so I get to stay home. It apparently was freezing rain last night, but it is so warm out i can't see how the buses we canceled because it is so warm out there is no way that the roads were slippery. But don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.
<<<Kaylee and I like 2 years ago at the fall fair

Click HERE read Kaylee's blog!