Tuesday, April 19, 2011

SOOOOO im just gonna ramble on

ok so today i did my course selection for grade 9... i am going to take two grade 10 courses though... drama and art... i am going to take them because for doing each class i will get 4 credits and the more credits you graduate with the better...  and then i am also going to take humanities which is social studies and english together... my teacher actually told me that i should take it because he knows that i would be really good at it... and i really like both english and social studies so getting to write about wars and stuff will be fun.  I just finished a project that was for my english and socials classes and i really liked it and i got 29/30 or 94%... which is really good... and i would have gotten 100% if it werent for artwork... whatever... life goes on... now we started a novel study... it is called the outsiders... it is pretty good so far... it is litterally about greasers and socs lol no joke... anyway.... thats about it... nothing else to say... i kind of just rambled on but that was my objective... to ramble on... because as some might say i am good at rambling... now i have to go and fine 5 things to put in a bag that represent me and shower... and maybe do some english homework if i am feeling really daring.... probably not though... i dont like homework... but  i talk alot in class and get really distracted hehe oh well... its all good.... i have ok marks i guess... the satisfy my mother... but i am not happy with them at all... my teacher always marks me unfairly in PE though... i got a B but my friend who i lapped 5 times and did (no offence to her) WAYYYY better in fitness testing got 100%..... GGRRRR that makes me mad.... and so does my CAPP and french... and pretty much everything else..... whatever... i just have to let it go i guess... now im gonna go i guess lol okay.... bye

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A dedication to the worlds best friend... KAYLEE

^^ that is what happens when me and kaylee play with webcams hahaha

the fair a few years ago^^^


^^ Shes really bringing down the law now haha... i dont blame her though.... look where she is sitting

getting ready to perform^^^

BRUSHING HER HAIR^^^^  i wish i had her hair... its so pretty and long!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


some people are just those kind of people... my week pretty much was terrible... i had 4 of my toes broken... i had alot of homework every single day... and lets face it only getting about 5 hours a sleep a night isnt enough... this weekend is better though... i get to sleep in till however late i want and i can be away from annoying people!  My toes still hurt but what can you do... honestly not much... i have them all taped together and i just took some pain killers so they are feelin better...  life goes on... anyway i dont know what to write about.... kaylee suggested that i do a haul from when i went to PG... i might... im just to lazy too...we shall see...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

only a three day week and a friday around the corner

ok so i have only had 3 school days this week... including tomorrow... but anyway, monday there was no school and then on tuesay there were no busses... so my friend gabby came over...  then yesterday was wednesday already... that was a strange day... idk why but it was... then thursday... but i didnt really do anything... i just pretended to do stuff LOL... then i got home made supper, did half the dishes, then wes took over and now im sitting in front of this computer... I have such an interesting life... not really.  on another note... he is an amazing picture that my mom took of me lol

ya so i loved it sooooo much i edited it... pretty amazing i know... but thats what happens when you have a mom who should have been on the paparazzi team LOL

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

An extra long weekend in which is over... possibly.

k soo basically, there was no busses today, well that is actaully exatly where this story begins... What?  I'm a little random today, sorry people reading this who are finding this hard to read... but thats ok.  Anyway, the busses didnt run because apperently it was too cold out... pansies!  But hey don't get me wrong, i am certainly not complaining.... Anyway on another note... my friend just left... she was here but she isnt anymore... obviously... we had a fun afternoon together, it included sitting on our butts in front of electronic devices... that sounds really bad, but that is what happened.... EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED!  And that is how my day went... ahh gotta love being a teenager

to end this of here is a very sereotypical picture of a cat... and i think that he might just be canadian... comment and tell me what you think?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A long weekend!

It's a long weekend... no school tomorrow!  WOOT WOOT!  Then there are early dimissals on Tuesday and Wednesday.  I went skating last night with a bunch of friends and i didn't get home until like 11:30pm because my friends mom was curling next door and they ended up losing so they had to play another game, i was supposed to be home at 9ish.  I had fun anyway.  I have to haul wood sometime today and as usual i never want to but whatever...  It's cold and windy out its like -25C without the windchill.  I have homework too... well i don't really have to do it, but its good to have a head start... i am not in the "homework" mood so i am just going to photo copy a book, read some pages, highlight some stuff and call it good...  I have till spring break to "git-er-done".

PS.  Like my shoes?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


okay so tomorrow all of the grade 8's are going on a ski trip to bear mountain... i am not going because i have neer skied before and all of my friends would leave me behind and to be honest i dont want to humiliate myself in front of over 100 people... all of my friends and people i know keep asking me why i am not going... but i just don't want to... so i am going to stay at school tomorrow with my friend maddy who isn't going either....  I am actually not that happy that it is Wednesday today... i thought that is was Wednesday yesterday and that means that tomorrow would be friday... whatever... i'll live... i guess LOL... I had music today and i am really bad at play the guitar...  i mean i can read the note perfectly fine because they are the same as a violin, just i can't make myself play the notes on the guitar... i will come with practice i am sure... and if not it will teach me more coordination!

Monday, February 7, 2011

and the homework piles up

i have spent the last three days busy with homework... i had to do a science essay, a french project, a socials project, a capp paper, a music paper, study for a math test and to top it all off i had a pop quiz in english today... but i got 90% so its all good... 3rd highest in the class... WHOOT, WHOOT!  Anyway, gotta go and finish my french project...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


It's a snow day, and that just means that the buses aren't running...  It is really nice and sunny and warm out but because of the bad drifting there were no buses.  My mom made my lunch for today, and everytime that she makes my lunch the buses don't run so she said that she isn't going to make my lunch anymore.  I had like 11 hours of sleep last night, it was so nice.  I slept in until 12!  I really don't have anything else to say so i am just going to show you a random video of my dad's new dog, Ceaser.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Back from my dads

I just got back from my dads, I had a good weekend there, i went swimming with my brother and sister.  My dad had the weekend off so went sledding and then when he got back we went to the "old timers'' hockey game and watched the cops get whooped by a bunch of old people.  Ahhhh, good times.  Anyway, I got home and had a chicken dinner and now i am plunked in front of my computer.  LOL

Anyway, next weekend we are going to Grande Praire, i just got $100.00 yesterday from an old gift from my dad's cousin so my second cousin and his fiance and two sons, plus i will get my allowance so i will have shopping money.  I don't know what i am going to get yet though.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Town, school, exercise and my dad's

Okay so my mom picked me up early from school so that I could watch the kids while she went to the dentist.  It was a pretty shady place if you ask me, but anyway school was fine, just kids being kids i guess.  We stayed in town untill about 6 then came home.  My little brother screamed the entire way home.  I got my computer back and i am so happy, i had 250 viruses and so they had to wipe everything off of my computer and i lost all of my files :0(...  Oh well.  On another note i just did 35 minutes on our new treadmill on the "fat blast" setting, it sounds hard, but its not.  It inclines itself but I don't feel a burn at all.  It's gross but i sweat like a dog but don't, lose breath at all.  Now I am going to go and have a shower and then pack because I am going to my Dad's house this weekend.  Sure to be lots of fun!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Kaylee is here

Kaylee is here... she has been here for about a week. She will be going home on Saturday. She is home schooled so she can stay here without getting behind on schoolwork. It is a "non-bus day" so I get to stay home. It apparently was freezing rain last night, but it is so warm out i can't see how the buses we canceled because it is so warm out there is no way that the roads were slippery. But don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.
<<<Kaylee and I like 2 years ago at the fall fair

Click HERE read Kaylee's blog!